Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Still Here.

I really think that a disciplined approach to eating and exercise would help me to kick the metaphorical ass of this ever-increasing anxiety I'm experiencing.  It's gotten so bad that I am considering therapy, and if you knew how much I loathe talking about what goes on in the sub-basement of my psyche, you'd know how truly unhinged I am feeling these days.  Desperate times call for desperate measures.

The good news?  My appetite disappeared weeks ago and left no forwarding address.  I am hoping it finds happiness and true love somewhere far, far away and forgets about ever coming home.

Am going to do a water fast tomorrow and Thursday as a way to sort of vacuum the dust bunnies out of my brain.  

Simplicity.  Order.  Calm.


  1. welcome back..where have you been?
    Therapy helps..anxiety is so crippling.

  2. i think that 2 days water fast is great because it will be easier to convince ourselves that it is possible. :-)

    i love you, thanks for your support xxx

  3. I'm having the same feelings of anxity and I'm pretty positive it's from all the binging/laziness. When I have a few days of good eating/exercise I always feel more calm and at peace.


  4. You commented once on my blog and I was just going through an old post and saw it again.
    I just want to say I hope you're doing OK.
    I have a friend who has told me about her weight and eating, which she has had pretty serious problems with in the past.

    Did you ever go to Law School? Just curious.

    For what it is worth, I gave up drinking beer for Lent and I have stuck to it.6 weeks or so. The only thing is that I have substituted lots and lots of candy-too much (snickers mostly) and very strong coffee. Like: for breakfast and then later in the day towards dinner I finally eat real food.

    I have been in this place before, and then when I start the Beer again I don't crave the candy. Strange but I can't help it.

    In either case, all the sugar and caffeine gives an energy boost I guess.

  5. hey pretty I just started following you :)
    I'm a weightloss blog too..I'm a relapsed anorexic.

    I look forward to reading your posts!!
