Sunday, February 6, 2011

This Morning

When I got on the scale this morning the heavens parted, I was bathed in a white light, and a choir of angels began singing the hallelujah chorus....

I WEIGH 99 POUNDS!!!!!!!!!!!

So I stepped off, then on again.  Stepped off, got on again, slowly.  Stepped off, got on again, quickly.  Stepped off, moved the scale, got on again.  (You know the drill well, I have no doubt.)  It's official!  Yes, it's my first-thing-in-the-morning-completely-nekkid-all-jewelry-off-except-my-wedding-band-dehydrated-from-overnight weight, but you know what?  I'll take it.  Oh, yes indeedy.

*Small picks up scale and cradles it tenderly against her chest like it is an infant*

Nota bene:  O in the name of all that is holy, Small, do NOT SCREW THIS UP!!!!  Please.  I beseech you.  This does not give you license to go stark-raving batshit and eat half the universe.  Really.  You have to trust me on this one.

And:  in other wonderful news, I arrived home after an overnight trip and waiting for me was a package from the lovely Lou!!!!

It was full of CDs and lovely bracelets and a pedometer!  And a recipe book with dishes made with Coca-Cola, which made me laugh and laugh and laugh laugh laugh!!!  Thanks, Lou, you are a sweetheart!  I <3 the goodies and I <3 you!!!!

I don't know how to turn this picture on its side so you'll have to turn your laptop :p