Friday, December 17, 2010

In the Kitchen

Made my own black bean burgers tonight (vegan).  They were most nom (and this is amazing.  I very rarely cook, and when I do, it's usually quite horrid.)

Went back through some old journals tonight.  It's something I have to be in the right frame of mind to do.  Things don't remain static, and a reminder of the past is sometimes a good thing by comparison and sometimes not so good.  I keep meticulous records of my days (I don't have hypergraphia, but I think I could probably get an honorable mention in the category) and it's amazing how reading an entry, even one written five years ago, can put me back into that day like it just happened.  Amazing.

 I saw things in the past that were bad, and I don't really want to be reminded of them.  I saw things in the past that were good, like a weight safely in the double-digits, and I don't really want to be reminded of that, either, as I am not there right now.

There's a lot to be said for living in the present.

1 comment:

  1. i just did the same same same thing, rereading my old journals. it's so strange how it will put you right back there again. it's not necessarily a good thing but it is terribly enlightening. i remember so much i didn't write and i wrote about so much i don't remember and half the things i remember and wrote about i remember differently from how they happened. fascinating. also intensely triggering. like a car accident. i can't stop looking.

    at the very least i can say that i've gotten more aware. i suppose that's something. and i'm with you on living in the present.

    xx x
