Sunday, February 6, 2011

This Morning

When I got on the scale this morning the heavens parted, I was bathed in a white light, and a choir of angels began singing the hallelujah chorus....

I WEIGH 99 POUNDS!!!!!!!!!!!

So I stepped off, then on again.  Stepped off, got on again, slowly.  Stepped off, got on again, quickly.  Stepped off, moved the scale, got on again.  (You know the drill well, I have no doubt.)  It's official!  Yes, it's my first-thing-in-the-morning-completely-nekkid-all-jewelry-off-except-my-wedding-band-dehydrated-from-overnight weight, but you know what?  I'll take it.  Oh, yes indeedy.

*Small picks up scale and cradles it tenderly against her chest like it is an infant*

Nota bene:  O in the name of all that is holy, Small, do NOT SCREW THIS UP!!!!  Please.  I beseech you.  This does not give you license to go stark-raving batshit and eat half the universe.  Really.  You have to trust me on this one.

And:  in other wonderful news, I arrived home after an overnight trip and waiting for me was a package from the lovely Lou!!!!

It was full of CDs and lovely bracelets and a pedometer!  And a recipe book with dishes made with Coca-Cola, which made me laugh and laugh and laugh laugh laugh!!!  Thanks, Lou, you are a sweetheart!  I <3 the goodies and I <3 you!!!!

I don't know how to turn this picture on its side so you'll have to turn your laptop :p


  1. Congrats on the double-digits! So inspiring!

  2. lol I'm glad you liked the gifts!
    Congrats on 99lbs omg so lucky, wish I was there *sigh*
    I'm currently a Puffer fish, bloated and irate lol.
    Enjoy the gifts and your Sunday too..


  3. You weight yourself with your wedding band!?


    Congrats on 99!!


  4. Don't we all yearn for the same, not so much double digits, but still being able to enjoy the number on the scale? Congratulations, you are Small.
