Sunday, January 16, 2011

Na na na na I can't hear you

I cannot think about disaster readiness.  It's been around mother used to talk about having to do nuclear bomb drills and everybody had to know where the atomic fallout shelter was and stuff like that.  Well, it's never gone out of fashion, it seems.  Lately talk of an apocalypse seems to be all the rage.  People are talking about buying MRE's and learning to wash clothes by hand with a freaking washboard and buying handguns and making sure they have enough candles and blankets to live indefinitely without electricity in the event of a major catastrophe that lasts years.  I read about people stocking up their garages with food and weapons, I know people who are buying gold because the currency is going to collapse, etc. The global uncertainty about political strife and climate change and people are talking about the sky seriously falling.

Ok, two things:

1.  This is freaking me out.  I like the earth just the way it is (well, okay, maybe a few changes...I'd dismantle all the nuclear weapons and stuff).  I'm not sure I would even want to live in a post-apocalyptic world where everything has been burned to a crisp and I'm having to pick people off my property with a double-barrelled shotgun.

2.  I can't think about this at all because well, damn.  Anas are going to be the first to die in a catastrophe that causes food shortage -- we have no fat storage to draw from.  We'll look really good for a few weeks, wearing those jeans we wanted to get into for like, forever, and then poof, we're gone, whilst the more gargantuan members of the species continue to thrive.

So.  Disaster preparedness, kiss my ass.  I don't want to think about you anymore.


  1. My dad used to talk about the apocolypse all the time when I was growing up. I was terrified of A-bombs at the age of, probably 6 or 7. I think I'm jaded, 'cause now I tend to just blow it all off.

    And, I love you, too. lol : )


    "...the biological capacity to suppress hunger and move quickly and tirelessly in search of food may have offered an adaptive advantage, just as it appears to offer an advantage to migrating animals."

    Who is better prepared for famine than you anas? Who is less likely to fend off canibalistic advances than the girls who take in and offer the least amount of sustenance, many of whom are no longer fertile? Don't think about it, we're far too overpopulated to face a dystopian threat as individuals instead of communities. But if it comes to it, my tip as an archer: cheap bows but sturdy arrows.

  3. haha, i like your attitude (:
    xxx v

  4. Ah screw the 2012 fanatics. They're just crazy. Bad crazy. My parents love stocking up on food for the apocalypse XD They're such fatties

  5. Yeah-- the apacolypse thing-- it freaks me out, too. I fight with myself, going back anf forth between believing and telling myself what I need to do to be prepared, and not believing and just living on. And what am I currently doing-- just living on. IDK if I'd want to live through it either-- but I'm not yet to the point where I'd whither away quickly-- I still have plenty of body fat to live off of! Hopefully I won't by 12/21/2012!
