A juice fast. Bolthouse Farms: Green Goddess and Berry Boost -- O, how I love thee!!!! There is something about buying a big beautiful bottle of juicy nutritious wholesome goodness and saying to yourself, "OK, self, here it is, you are all set for the day. All your calories are in here, and it's really very simple. You can chug this all in one go or pour yourself little servings at intervals, but when it's gone, it's gone, and you're done." No guesswork, no gnashing of teeth, no decisions, no counting, no regrets. It's nom nom nom and it's all taken care of, there is nothing to throw you off track or send you skipping merrily down the road to hell, prettily paved though it may be with its lovely bricks of good intentions. You are good to go. Green Goddess has 560 cals for the entire bottle (which, I might add, is quite large). See how pretty that is? Pretty pretty pretty. A pretty plan indeed.
I am listening to Mozart chamber music, surrounded by journals and books pens and cats and sunlight. My kind of day. I worked harder than I had planned this week, and I am therefore being indolent today. And days of indolence are excellent for fasting. :)
Satis is Latin for "enough." Today is Saturday. Satis, Saturday.
I love it when a plan comes together.